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LIFESAVER - Energy Booster (Single dose)

LIFESAVER - Energy Booster (Single dose)

Regular price £8.00
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When an animal needs energy, they need it fast. Through a combination of propylene glycol, betaine and vitamin B12, Lifesaver offers one of the most effective methods to providing the animal with instant utilisable energy. Can be used as both a treatment solution
for subclinical ketosis and a recovery from clinical ketosis.

  • Rapid acting energy formula to hit ketosis fast
  • Decreases mobilisation of body fat
  • Applied though an easy to use single dose bottle.

DOSAGE: Dairy Cows: 500ml, Sheep & Goats: 100ml.

APPLICATION: Shake well before use. Administered orally by pressing out the content of the bottle to the root of the tongue. Preventative measure: Administer during calving / lambing period 1-2 times daily or at first signs of energy deficiency (ketosis) symptoms.

COMPOSITION: 13.11.1 Propylene glycol, 11.4.2 Sodium bicarbonate. ADDITIVES / L: Nutritional Additives: Niacinamide (3a315) 23,750mg Vitamin B12 as Cyanocobalamine 10,000ug Betaine from Beatine anhydrous (3a920) 50,000mg.

INGREDIENTS / L: Crude protein 4.0%, Crude ash 1.2%, Crude fat 0.0%, Crude fibre 0.0%, Sodium 0.5%, Moisture 35.9%.

STORAGE: Keep in a cool (5-25°C), well ventilated place. Protect against direct sunlight and freezing.

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